Well Being Retreat Center
557 Narrows Road, Tazewell, Tennessee 37879
Well Being Retreat Center is offering a three-night retreat entitled “The End of Seeking” led by Don Oakley, the author of "It's Time to Wake Up Now: The Top Ten Myths that Can Hijack Spiritual Awakening," a five star rated book on Amazon, and by Patty Bottari, a Director of Well Being Foundation and longtime employee and student of both Adyashanti and Byron Katie.
Spiritual awakening is often spoken of as the finish line - the end goal of the journey. It is true that it's the end of seeking (because you will have found what you've been looking for). But it's also the beginning of a new, truly spiritual journey. It's not the last step - it's the first. Until we find out who we are - not as a philosophy, but as our own self-discovery - we are often plagued by a nagging sense of phoniness. Life can often feel difficult. And then...one day...if we've been diligent and open and honest and sincere, Springtime arrives. Ahhhhh, the relief!
This 3-Night retreat will begin with supper on Thursday July 12th and will end after lunch on Sunday July 15th.
Please visit this link to learn more and to register! https://www.wellbeingretreatcenter.org/end-of-seeking