Artisans and Crafters Guild — Cumberland Gap Region

Winner of the 2018 and 2021 Destination Marketing Organization of the Year of the Tennessee Hospitality.

The Cumberland Gap Tourism Association has created an artisan and crafters guild.  The guild is to spotlight the arts and crafts vendors throughout the ten counties of the Cumberland Gap Region.  Members of the guild will be posted on our website with a photo and description of their craft.  This will provide information about vendors from which festival directors and event planners may use in order to contact participants for upcoming events.  This service will provide artisans and crafters with unprecedented exposure and opportunities never before available in this region.

Membership application


To join the Cumberland Gap Region Tourism Association's Artisans and Crafters Guild:

(1) Complete the "membership information"  form.

(2) Attach or forward electronically a crisp and clear photo of your vendor booth or product(s).

(3) Your membership in the Guild is completely FREE.


Your one year membership will include:

(1) Your work will be spotlighted on the Cumberland Gap Region Tourism Association's website under "Artisan and Crafters Guild".

(2) Your contact information, photo of your product(s), and a brief description of your business will be included.

(3) You will receive our weekly "calendar of events" which will list upcoming festivals and events throughout the ten counties of the Cumberland Gap Region.  You should never miss another opportunity to participate in festivals and events throughout our region.

(4) Our website is promoted nationally through "Southern Travel USA Magazine" thus giving you regional, state, and national exposure.

(5) If you have a business website, it will be linked to our website so web surfers can contact you directly.

(6) Your information and photo may be updated at any time by contacting us a

(7) You will be receiving thousands of dollars in advertising, marketing, networking, and exposure for FREE.


DO NOT miss this opportunity to grow your business beyond your expectations.  Join today to get ahead of the festival season.