Judy Barton Memorial Tourism Scholarship — Cumberland Gap Region

Winner of the 2018 and 2021 Destination Marketing Organization of the Year of the Tennessee Hospitality.

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JUDY BARTON (1949 - 2018) was a pioneer in the development of tourism in the Cumberland Gap Region. She served as the city recorder for the Historic Town of Cumberland Gap for many years. While in that capacity she served as director of the famous “Folk Fest” and was a driving force in the creation of “The State of Cumberland.” In 2000, while continuing to reside in Cumberland Gap, she became the director of tourism in Bell County, KY and became an adviser and advocate for tourism development throughout the State of Kentucky and the Cumberland Gap Region. She held this position until the time her health began to fail. Judy will forever be remembered for her love and devotion to the Cumberland Gap Region and its people which she displayed through her energetic “can do” attitude.

The Cumberland Gap Region Tourism Association has established this $1000 Memorial Scholarship to be presented annually to a high school senior attending either a public or private school within the Cumberland Gap Region. Criteria for application and selection may be found on our website at  cumberlandgapregion.com 

Scholarship Recipients

2018  Haley Nicely - Washburn High School

2019  Ethan Phillips - Barbourville High School

2020  Rebecca Fortner - Pineville High School

2021  Edmond Samuel Dye - Harlan County High School

2022 Gavin Graves - union County High School


2024  ADRIANNA HOCKENBERRY - Harlan County High School


A.  Complete the “Application Form” and return it to assure your position in the competition. You may mail or email your application to:


“Tourism is the fastest growing industry in the Cumberland Gap Region. WHY?  What does the Cumberland Gap Region have to offer the typical "tourist family" visiting our region?”

C.      RULES

 1.      Applicant must be a senior attending any high school, public or private, located within the ten counties of the Cumberland Gap Region.

2.      The student is to write and orally present an “original oration” to be presented before judges, parents, and other guests on Thursday, April 10, 2025. The competition will be held at the Olde Church Events Center located at 502 Pennlyn Ave. in Downtown Historic Cumberland Gap, TN.   You should arrive at the site 15-30 minutes prior to the start time. The winner will be announced following the competition.

3.      The scholarship will be presented on May 20, 2025 during the Cumberland Gap Region Tourism Association’s annual “Awards Dinner” at the Olde Church Events Center in Historic Cumberland Gap.  The winning student and their parents will be our special guests at the CGRTA Region Strong Awards Dinner on May 20, 2025. During that awards dinner, the student will present their scholarship winning speech for the board of directors, Region Strong Award winners, and other dinner guests.

4.      The order of speaking will be determined by the order in which the application is received at our corporate office either via USPS or email.

5.      A lecture or podium will not be used.

6.      Student may use 3x5 or 4x6 index cards on which to write and present the oration. (Number each card.)

7.      The length of the speech presentation must be between 5 minutes and 7 minutes in duration.  Any presentation falling short or going past the time limit will have points deducted from each judge.

8.      DO NOT include in your speech: your name, name or location of school, the county or community in which you reside, or any other information disclosing your identity or your location within the region.

9.      When writing your speech, be mindful to discuss the “region” as a whole, not just one county or one community. (Consider removing all county boundaries and state lines. Discuss the region as a whole.)

10.  Any high school within the region may send multiple contestants.

11.  Parents, friends, speech coach, etc. are welcome to attend the competition.

12.  The Judge’s decision is final.  Score sheets will not be released to contestants.



Each question will be scored on a scale of 1 – 10 (1 -2 poor), (3 – 4 Fair), (5 – 6 Good), (7 – 8 Excellent), (9 – 10 Superior).


 1.      Was the thesis of their speech clearly stated and understandable?

2.      Did the student display knowledge of “the economic importance of tourism to the Cumberland Gap Region”?

3.      Did the student support their statements with facts, statistics, and other supportable evidence?

4.      Did the student display concern for promoting our region through tourism development?

5.      Do you feel that the writer fully defended and supported the thesis of this speech?


 1.   Did the speaker maintain adequate eye contact with the audience?

2.  Did the speaker draw the audience into the relevancy of their speech?

3.  Did the speaker show poise and confidence in their presentation?

4.  Did the speaker have a strong and convincing conclusion?

5. What was your “over-all opinion” of the content, relativity, and presentation of this speech?


Judy Barton Memorial Tourism Scholarship Speech Competition

 Name:  __________________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address:  ___________________________________________________________________________


Email:  ___________________________________________________________________________________

Phone:  ___________________________________________________________________________________

 Name of High School:  _______________________________________________________________________

School’s Mailing Address:  ______________________________________________________________________


 County in which your school is located:  ___________________________________________________________

School Phone: ________________________________________________________________________________

School Contact Person:  _________________________________________________________________________

 ESTIMATE ATTENDANCE:  Approximately how many people will be in your party? (Parents, Friends, Teachers/coaches, etc.  ___________________