Carl Nichols, Director

Carla Reece - Administrative Assistant

Nita Louthan (TN At-Large, President)

The state of Tennessee at large is represented by Nita Louthan. Nita was an original founder of this organization. She served for years on the Claiborne County tourism board, she served on the New Tazewell City Council, and she has served as president of this board. She has recently retired after many years as being the director of nursing at the Claiborne County Health Department.

Campbell - VACANT

Christina McGrath (Claiborne County) – Vice President

Claiborne County is represented by Christina McGrath. She assisted and worked through every activity that the tourism board sponsors. She is currently employed by the US postal Service. She currently serves as treasurer of our board.

Reba Ramsey (Adventure, Treasurer)

Representing Adventure is Reba Ramsey.

Casey McClure (State Parks and Recreation) – Executive Committee

Our eleven state parks and one national park are represented by Casey McClure.

Kristin Byers (Bell)

Bell County is represented by Kristin Byers.

Ken Coffey (Grainger)

Grainger County is represented by Ken Coffey. Ken is the Granger County Historian as well as an authority on the civil war history in east TN. He also serves on the board of directors of the Lakeway Civil War Preservation Association.

Vacant (Harlan) 

Janet Collins (Hancock)

Hancock County is represented by Janet Collins, the tourism director for Hancock County.

Marcia Dixon (Knox)

Knox county is represented by Marcia Dixon. Marcia is the Barbourville Director of Tourism and the owner of Lillian June Clothing and Gift Store. She also serves as Vice President of Barbourville Woman’s Study Club, Member of Knox County UNITE, and a Member of Knox County Chamber of Commerce.

Keith Harless (Lee)

Lee County Virginia is represented by Keith Harless. Keith is the director of tourism and city manager for the Town of Pennington Gap. In the two years that he has held this position he has worked miracles in bringing business and the community back to Pennington Gap.

Kelly Cunningham (Union)

Union County is represented by Kelly Cunningham. Kelly is a business owner in Maynardville, TN and the 2023 Entertainer of the Year for the CGRTA.

Lisa Kersey (Whitley)

Whitley County Kentucky is represented by Lisa Kelrey.

Dr Gary Burchett (LMU Representative)

The LMU Representitive is represented by Dr Gary Burchett. Dr Burchett was a founding member of this organization. For many years he served as president of Lincoln Memorial University. After retirement from that position, he has since served on the LMU Board of Trustees. 

Karen Maggard (VA at large)

The State of Virginia at large is represented by Karen Maggard.

Brent Pursifull (KY At-Large)

Representing Kentucky-at-Large is Brent Pursifull.

Dorothy Shuford (Appalachian Experience ) Immediate Past President

The Appalachian Experience is represented by Dorothy Shuford.

Mona Dotson (Region at large)

The Region at large is represented by Mona Dotson.

Linda McGafee (Cumberland Gap)

Representing the town of Cumberland Gap.

Doug Fitz (Art)

Art is represented by Doug FItz.

Rick Diamond (History)

Representing history is Rick Diamond.

Ken Culbertson (Music)

Representing music is Ken Culbertson.

In partnership with:

Southern Travel USA

Southeast Tourism Society

Southeast Festivals & Fairs Association

Boone Trace Association of Lexington Kentucky

Middle East TN Tourism Council

Tennessee Hospitality and Tourism Association