Well Being Retreat Center
557 Narrows Road, Tazewell, Tennessee 37879
There are many opportunities to get lost or get complacent on the spiritual path. This weekend will be devoted to an exploration of some of the common tripping points or places where we can get stuck, lost or deluded. Acknowledging the potential for veering off the path is the only sure way of staying honest.
This retreat is a non-denominational opportunity to explore one’s own true nature – free from the everyday distractions and busyness of our lives. The rtreat will include silent sittings in the serenity of our meeting room or down by the river, some guided meditation, structured sharing and a guided inquiry talks by Don Oakley on Saturday morning entitled “Detours and Cul-de-Sacs on the Spiritual Journey.“ . All activities during the weekend are voluntary, of course, and all inquiry will be experientially grounded.