Well Being Retreat Center, 557 Narrows Road, Tazewell, Tennessee 37879
(423) 626-9000
Learn how to get out of your own way. Let yourself realize that your creative work is not about you by honoring the fact that your work has a life of its own. The skill to do this already is within you. You just haven't known it fully.
All too often writers, painters and artists of all kinds become the enemy of their work. Not because they knowingly choose this relationship, but because they don't know how to make different choices. Most of us believe our work is somehow dependent on our own personal genius showing up and expressing itself. If we have a "down day," we assume our work will have a down day as well. This is a mistaken assumption and it's crucial to understand why. Ushering a creative work into life is more like parenting than anything else. Understanding how to parent well makes all the difference.